Dramatic headlines

In the world of quality assurance, navigating social media can sometimes be challenging.  It can be unsettling to see articles that highlight major software failings and IT issues. Usually emphasising the severe impact this can have on business.  Typically, it’s the large-scale, catastrophic issues that make the headlines, but it’s useful to bear in mind that it’s the rarity of these events that makes them headline worthy in the first place.

Restoring calm

It’s unsurprising that things can go wrong when managing complex systems, on complex infrastructure, with complex code, multiple channels, and infinite numbers of end user devices and operating systems. But how can we reduce the risk of this happening? Quality assurance is more important than ever before but it’s not helpful to be panicked by scaremongering or sensationalist stories. We can help restore calm and provide reassurance and guidance.

Effective quality assurance

Budgets and timelines are always finite. Project and release delivery demands are constant. However, it’s often not for the lack of investment in both time and money. Rather that these investments in QA are in the wrong areas, or with the wrong focus.  As industry leaders we can design and deliver an effective QA approach, tailored to your specific requirements and budgets. We can focus resources to minimise risk. Engineer technology to maximise coverage, test opportunity and feedback cycles. Shift QA activities left to detect issues earlier and characterise that risk for leaders and decision makers through actionable, relevant reporting and MI.


Our extensive experience allows us to support our clients to achieve more for less. Greater efficiency, greater innovation through automation, engineering and AI. Foster an approach and culture where quality is everyone’s responsibility. Providing actionable, meaningful MI. Encouraging continual service improvement, analysing defects, understanding through root cause analysis and constantly recommending process improvements.


This is our passion. Supporting leaders in responsible positions is what we do and why we are here. If you could benefit from an efficient and effective approach to quality assurance, here’s how to get in touch https://tiqtoq.co.uk/contact-us