Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables systems to learn from data, identify patterns, and ultimately to predict future outcomes. Unlike traditional programming, where specific instructions are coded, ML algorithms are trained by example. The process is then fed with new data, the algorithm makes a prediction, it is corrected if needed and then repeated until the error rate is minimised and an acceptable and usable level of accuracy is reached.As applications increase in size and complexity, and given the rapid pace of modern development, the amount of data generated by the QA process be that from test cases, test results and defects can be vast. Sifting through this large volume of data can be problematic as humans have difficulty in identifying patterns in this amount of information.ML algorithms can analyse this huge amount of data to uncover insights that traditional methods might miss. This ability to learn from data and improve over time makes ML a powerful tool for enhancing QA processes.

What can Machine Learning techniques bring to Software Quality Assurance?

Early Defect Detection

One of the most significant advantages of using ML and predictive analytics in QA is the early detection of defects. By analysing historical defect data, these technologies can identify patterns and predict where future issues are likely to occur. This proactive approach allows teams to address potential problems before they escalate, reducing the risk of critical defects in production .

Optimizing Testing Efforts

Predictive models can prioritize testing efforts by identifying high-risk areas of the codebase. This ensures that QA resources are focused on the most critical parts of the software, enhancing overall testing efficiency. For instance, ML algorithms can analyse code changes and predict the likelihood of defects based on past patterns, guiding testers to concentrate on likely problematic areas.

Enhancing Test Coverage

Machine learning can also help improve test coverage by identifying gaps in existing test cases. By analysing code changes, usage patterns, and historical test data, ML models can suggest additional test cases that might have been overlooked, ensuring more comprehensive testing.

Automated Testing

Machine learning can automate the creation of manual and automated test cases, test data, and execution of test cases, improving the efficiency and coverage of test suites. It can also look to prioritise test cases based on ML driven risk assessment, e.g. where are we most likely to find defects, and where are defects going to be most costly.

Bug Root Cause Analysis

Machine learning can assist in identifying the root causes of defect by analysing patterns and correlations in defect data. This speeds up the troubleshooting process and helps in preventing future occurrences through continuous service improvement initiatives.

The Challenges

It goes without saying that ML processes are not without their challenges. The accuracy of the outputs are highly dependent on the accuracy of the training data. Incomplete or inaccurate data will lead to unreliable outputs. Garbage in, garbage out. Staff need to be trained and integrating the tools into current processes may need significant changes to workflows.

The Outlook

Leaders in QA may be tempted to think that ML can replace human testers, but it is unlikely that any AI technology will meet the sophistication of a human in reviewing and testing a piece of software any time soon. So it is best thought of as another tool that can trawl through time and data intensive tasks while its human counterpart focuses on the more intangible, more human parts of the process.